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Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Eve

Pictures speak for themselves!


Happy Easter!!

We had a FABULOUS Easter.

I couldn’t have picked a better day. The weather was GORGEOUS! The company was GREAT! The kids were HAPPY! It was story book wonderful.

So wonderful that I took 500 PICTURES!

500! No I am not going to post them all. I edited them down to 215…still not going to post them all!

We left our house at noon. We didn’t get home until 10pm. No meltdowns! The kids were laughing and playing with Auntie Krissie right up until we left!

I didn’t want the day to end. It was the first day I have had in a long time that was completely stress free. I just enjoyed every. single. minute.

I loved watching my kids interacting with everyone that loves them so very much!

I loved watching Katy & Patrick love and enjoy time with everyone.

They were so excited with each and every Easter gift. ( Is Easter the new Christmas?)

I feel energized. I feel happy! Really happy… not the sappy happy/sad the consumes so many of my days!

I felt genuine happiness… I still do… it feels good!





Already at 13 pictures!! We haven’t even left the house…



Excuse my dad’s beard!! He is usually clean shaven!! It’s his playoff beard!! GO BRUINS!!!



The Easter Bunny hid 8 dozen eggs at Papa’s!


