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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who knew Library Story Hour would be so hard…

for this mama!

Wakefield has an AWESOME Story Hour for babes to 5 year olds.

I decided to take advantage of it, Patrick on Tuesdays and Katy on Fridays.

Seeing Katy with a group of her peers I realized how different my girl is.

Her special heart make her small…so small for her age, her doctor doesn’t even give us the growth charts anymore since she isn’t even on them.

She has the ambition of a 30 pound 3 year old but the gross motor skills of a 20 pound 12 months old.

Breaks my heart… actually have shed tears.

Thankfully, she is oblivious to the differences for now.

Tomorrow Katy has her first ballet/tap class. I’m so excited, and a bit nervous for the reasons mentioned above.

I know one way or another my girl is going to ROCK it out!!

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